
Holy Creator who provides the living breath by which we exist, and creates the trees that shade and protect, that give comfort and warmth, that can be used to build or to destroy depending on our choices.

We pray for the harvester, who collects and processes the wood through which the twine is derived, with calloused hand.

We pray for the weaver, who braids the rope giving it strength, through creative thoughts.

We pray for the mariner who, with the rope binds large ships to the dock, as well as the one contemplating suicide with the same loop.

We pray for the one who unbinds the bound, both physically and mentally, socially and personally.

We pray for those who will take possession of the rope, in the hope that new life may spring anew through the holding of a potted plant or the beauty of rustic decor.

We pray for the lives born, lived, lost, and reborn.

May your love recreate the rope that binds our hearts together.


Lord God, be with all those who have struggled with suicidal thinking, who have lost a loved one to suicide, and those who need support. Be with them. Help them to know that they are not alone, that they are loved, and that they have places to turn when they’re in need. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Almighty God, the one who is there, receive our prayer on behalf of our
souls that thirst and our flesh that faints.
Look upon us in the nights when there is no sleep and our beds our wet
with tears. Shade us from the destruction that comes with the noonday.
To those carrying the burden of suicidal impulses, give relief, a
respite from the turmoil.
To those who sit in the darkness that it is to grieve loved one who have
died by suicide, give light, even a glimpse of hope.
Do this by your Spirit and work. Do this through us, your people. Send
us to one another with cups of cool water. Send us with ears more ready
to hear than tongues ready to speak.
This we pray for your glory and our peace.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear heavenly father, I pray for the community of Brooklyn and surrounding areas that you would wrap your loving arms around each person who struggles with thoughts of suicide or who may be survivors of suicide. Help our community to be more aware of one another’s needs and to show more empathy towards others. Please help the community to make others feel welcome and loved so no one feels alone. Thank you God for giving me much discernment and for seeing things in people that others don’t see. Thank you for putting me where you want me at any given time. It is in your name I pray. Amen.

God of grace and forgiveness, strength and healing, we pray for our community, our church, and our families, because we know all these have people who are hurting, hopeless, alone, and desperate. We pray for those who are considering suicide as a way to ease their pain because they don’t feel that they have any other option. Help them to know your presence and love for them. Help them learn the abounding love, willingness to listen, and graceful gifts that rest in this place. That these gifts, your love, are ready to be shared so that he or she will know that they are not alone. They are us together, they are loved not just by you but by every one of us. Empower him or her to be open to that love, to seek the person who will listen, to be assured of their purpose and their place in your world, here, and in your kingdom. In the same way, Lord, we pray for those fearful for the safety of a loved one, a family member…give them the courage, grace, mercy, and humbleness to ask, “Are you okay? Have you thought about killing yourself? Guide them…

Dear Lord, I lift up all of the people of Lutheran Church of H ope who have had or are having encounters with suicide in any way. I pray for the families who have lost loved ones to suicide. I pray for the friends who’ve lost companions to suicide. I pray for those who have contemplated it and have lost their desire to live. I ask that you would coat them in your love, hope, and grace. Encourage them and make your love and presence known to them. Lord God, I ask that you would raise up people to be support systems to those who are hurting. Help us to be a people full of love and compassion for each other. Bring anything kept in darkness out into the light. Expose it so it can be healed, mended, and restored. Please bring total restoration. Protect us and guard us from any works of the enemy in this area of our lives. Lord, make us to be a people and place that is life-giving and empowering. Thank you for the work that you have done, are doing, and have yet to do. Be with us in everything we say and do, and in all things help us to abide in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Holy and heavenly Father, we come with open hearts and minds to your feet to lay our burdens down. We thank you for your constant, unwavering, and eternal love, the power of your grace, and the hope we find in your presence. We bring thoughts and prayers this morning for all those affected in any way by suicide. Father, wrap them in your embrace, might they feel your presence, your grace and your love. Make us an instrument of your love, Lord. Might those who are directly affected by suicide know that they are surrounded by a community of those who pray to reflect your love and light on all. We pray for strength for the journey and we pray your will be done. Amen.

Father God thank you for being the God of Life and Love. I lift up those who hear the voice of suicide and ask Father that you will send someone on that they will hear your voice of Life, Love, Hope. May they choosee life and not death on this day. Thank you for the Blood of Jesus that covers them even now. In Jesus name. Amen.

Heavenly Father I want to thank you for your love and constant walk by your side. I ask that you place your healing love and comfort only the way you can, on those who have lost someone to suicide or who are currently contemplating suicide. Help me to be more responsible when I see your children isolating with loss of hope and social connection. I pray that my heart continues to break for what breaks yours. And I pray that my church family will be there for those who need to feel your presence. It is in your son’s name. Amen.

Loving God, you have promised you will never leave us. Ever. Yet there are people sitting in worship today who are feeling the most alone they’ve ever felt. Lives seemingly in despair. Hopeless. Isolation. Perhaps contemplating suicide. Perhaps scared for a friend or family member contemplating suicidie. Perhaps grieving beyond belief for a loved one they’ve lost to suicide. Perhaps on the other side of darkness—a time when suicide seemed the only option, yet they are now filled with hope—yet still struggling with the memory of such darkness. I pray, O God, that you will fill each person here with a sense of your love, your unconditional compassion—no matter what has happened, what they’ve done or not done—help us to feel a sense of belonging—to you, to each other. Help us to feel hope—maybe a small ray of light for the first time in a long time. You said you’d never leave us—ever. Help us to believe your promise. In your name—amen.

Loving and gracious God, today we are sharing thoughts about forgiveness. A big segment of our church family is coping with the effects of suicide. We offer all these people compassion and not judgment.

  • Those who are currently considering suicide, Lord in your mercy…

  • Those who are anxious that a family member or friend might be considering suicide, Lord in your mercy…

  • Those who have lost a loved one to suicide, Lord in your mercy…

  • Those who have experienced suicidal thinking in the past but are no longer, Lord in your mercy…

O God, we recognize that each of us feel emotional stress and doubt our value. Give us your wisdom and blessed assurance that in spite of temporary hurt or pain, we all have value and purpose, and you will guide us to joy. Amen.

Lord, as we follow along with our lives we seek you every moment. Sometimes, Lord, I feel at loss with the world, desperate for your guidance, seeking your presence in my life. Heavenly Father, I know that there are those seeking understanding and healing. Whether the healing is emotional, physical, or spiritual Lord I pray that they find You, as well as whatever guidance they seek. As we search for our own understanding, I lift up those who suffer with feelings of suicide, Father, that they would know you. Whatever demons they face, let them know your healing embrace. When faced with terrible strife, it’s often hard to see or feel clearly, may the clouds lift from their eyes as they look for answers and see your face. If everyone would take a minute now and silently think of those you know who are hurting, say a prayer for them now. Amen.